You Are 98% Real |
![]() There's hardly a person on this earth more real than you are. You have no problem showing people who you are, flaws and all. For you, there couldn't be any other way. Because it's way too stressful to live an inauthentic life. You're very comfortable with yourself. And because of this, you're able to live an exciting, interesting, and challenging life. |
Saturday, September 13, 2008
FOBTY 9/11 Reality
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Seven Years
Today is a rather bitter sweet day for me. Because of the tragedy America, as a whole, and the individuals who lost their lives or their loved ones in 2001, today is a pretty somber day. It saddens me to think about the horrible events of that day. To think of all those lives lost, all those wives without husbands, husbands without wives, children without a mother or a father, parents who lost their child, brothers and sisters lost. It is horrible and it makes my heart ache just to think about it.
As Draghkar and I sat last night watching "United 93" and then "11 September: The day the world changed", a documnetary, we had to reflect back on just how that day changed our lives, forever. You see, he and I celebrate our 7th anniversary of actually being together, physically, as well as emotionally.
Seven years ago I lived in a little town in North Carolina, Draghkar lived in a smallish city in the Netherlands. We'd "met" online just about 3 months earlier through a spiritual forum that I co-owned with a good friend of mine. There was a chemistry between us immediately, although at the time if you had asked me it wasn't a good one, but that was just me with my 10 foot thick, brick wall up. He snuck past that wall rather quickly and things began to progress to the point that we discussing the possibility of me moving to th Netherlands to be with him, but that was at least a 6 months away and with some actual time spent together in the real world to make sure it was what we both wanted.
Well, 9/11 changed all that. I had gotten up and done my usual routine of coffee, calling Drak and turning on Good Morning America. When I turned the TV it was just in time to see the 2nd plane hit the twin towers, and I just couldn't believe it. I was literally speechless for a good long time, then I explained to Drak what I had just seen and we both just sat there in silence for a few moments. The next words out of my mouth were simply, "Ok, you can come get me, NOW!" Bless him, because without question or hesitation he did exactly that. On September 19th, on the first approved international flight from Holland to the USA found my darling, devoted, future husband on a plane heading for Atlanta, Ga.
The next 8 days were a jumbled up blur as we had a lot of traveling, paperwork to do and had to take Phoenix to Virginia to stay with a friend until one of us could come back for her. 7 states, in 3 days, to take care of my birth certificate, SS card and passport, and getting my wolf and my cat re-vaccinated and their travel documents. But we made it back to Atlanta, just in time to catch our flight to Holland. We had some major issues at the airport, but through determination and the simple fact that wasn't taking no for an answer and my ever diplomatic soulmate we got through it all and boarded the plane.
September 28th I took my first step onto Dutch ground with my future husband, my wolf and my cat at my side. We've since lost Trouble, the cat, and Phoenix, the shepherd was picked up and brought home just a few months later, not too mention many new additions to our fur-family. We've also had a lot of hard times during the first few years, but we've made it through them all and will be celebrating our 7th anniversary in just 8 days.
While I still hate the horriffic events of that day, I am grateful for the courage it gave me to say those words, "Ok, you can come get me, NOW!"
As Draghkar and I sat last night watching "United 93" and then "11 September: The day the world changed", a documnetary, we had to reflect back on just how that day changed our lives, forever. You see, he and I celebrate our 7th anniversary of actually being together, physically, as well as emotionally.
Seven years ago I lived in a little town in North Carolina, Draghkar lived in a smallish city in the Netherlands. We'd "met" online just about 3 months earlier through a spiritual forum that I co-owned with a good friend of mine. There was a chemistry between us immediately, although at the time if you had asked me it wasn't a good one, but that was just me with my 10 foot thick, brick wall up. He snuck past that wall rather quickly and things began to progress to the point that we discussing the possibility of me moving to th Netherlands to be with him, but that was at least a 6 months away and with some actual time spent together in the real world to make sure it was what we both wanted.
Well, 9/11 changed all that. I had gotten up and done my usual routine of coffee, calling Drak and turning on Good Morning America. When I turned the TV it was just in time to see the 2nd plane hit the twin towers, and I just couldn't believe it. I was literally speechless for a good long time, then I explained to Drak what I had just seen and we both just sat there in silence for a few moments. The next words out of my mouth were simply, "Ok, you can come get me, NOW!" Bless him, because without question or hesitation he did exactly that. On September 19th, on the first approved international flight from Holland to the USA found my darling, devoted, future husband on a plane heading for Atlanta, Ga.
The next 8 days were a jumbled up blur as we had a lot of traveling, paperwork to do and had to take Phoenix to Virginia to stay with a friend until one of us could come back for her. 7 states, in 3 days, to take care of my birth certificate, SS card and passport, and getting my wolf and my cat re-vaccinated and their travel documents. But we made it back to Atlanta, just in time to catch our flight to Holland. We had some major issues at the airport, but through determination and the simple fact that wasn't taking no for an answer and my ever diplomatic soulmate we got through it all and boarded the plane.
September 28th I took my first step onto Dutch ground with my future husband, my wolf and my cat at my side. We've since lost Trouble, the cat, and Phoenix, the shepherd was picked up and brought home just a few months later, not too mention many new additions to our fur-family. We've also had a lot of hard times during the first few years, but we've made it through them all and will be celebrating our 7th anniversary in just 8 days.
While I still hate the horriffic events of that day, I am grateful for the courage it gave me to say those words, "Ok, you can come get me, NOW!"
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Crayola Color Quizzer results.
Being a lover of all things coloring related I'm happy to report that I got 63 out 64 right. :D
Take the quiz for yourself here:
Being a lover of all things coloring related I'm happy to report that I got 63 out 64 right. :D
Take the quiz for yourself here:
FOBTY 8/28
Your Common Spelling Mistake Score: 95% Correct |
![]() Your spelling is excellent. You don't fall for common spelling pitfalls, and you spell almost everything correctly. |
Monday, August 25, 2008
Who I was(n't) in high school - FOBTY 8/21
Ok, so I definitely wouldn't call myself the slacker kid, since I had a 3.8 gpa, but I did indeed hate rules and authority, and yes, I still do. But I thrive on structure, always have. So, all in all, I'll give this a fail on how right it is.
You Were the Slacker Kid |
![]() High school was a place you showed up occasionally, but you didn't really leave a mark. You hated rules, authority, and structure. In fact, you still do. |
Saturday, August 16, 2008
What American accent do you have? FOBTY 8/14
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. | |
The South | |
Philadelphia | |
The Inland North | |
The Northeast | |
The West | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
I find the results way off, since I was born and raised in the deep south for the first 10 years of my life and Nevada for another 15 years, but hey, maybe that's what you get from that combination.
The blog challenge over at Sweet Shop Designs last week was to take this "Grease" quiz. You can take the quiz here:
I guess it's been a while since I've watched the movie since I only got 11 out of 15 correct. Aww well, better luck next time. :)
You know the movie
You have correctly answered 11 of 15 questions.
On average, 714 of users who took the quiz gave 11.44 right answers.
I guess it's been a while since I've watched the movie since I only got 11 out of 15 correct. Aww well, better luck next time. :)
You know the movie
You have correctly answered 11 of 15 questions.
On average, 714 of users who took the quiz gave 11.44 right answers.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Happy page - FOBTY 7/31
Saturday, July 26, 2008
What kind of music are you? FOBTY 7/24
You Are Punk Music |
![]() You've thought long and hard about what mainstream society has to offer... And you've pretty much decided that most normal things aren't for you. You're creative, expressive, and likely to do things yourself. You are a rebel and a fighter. You'll defend your point of view to anyone. |
Friday, July 18, 2008
FOBTY - Summer Jobs and Adventures
My summer jobs really only consisted of babysitting, but one of those baby sitting jobs was pretty cool. Right down the street lived this man named Jack, Jack was an old man but Jack had a son who was married and had a newborn baby boy, so I got asked to babysit quite often. Jack was pretty cool for an fart, he had a swimming that I got to use any time I wished, unless he was entertaining of course, but the coolest thing about Jack was his pet...Jack had a pet SKUNK! Yup, I said skunk...I can't remember the little cutie's name but that skunk was better than having a dog. She loved to cuddle, followed me wherever I went...was awesome! One of my few good memories of my childhood. :) *I was only 8 yrs old at the time*
FOBTY - Favorite Vacation Spot
I guess my favorite place I've ever been on vacation is Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. I went there a few years ago in the fall when the beaches were nice and quiet. Even took Nikita, my wolf hybrid, and we went for many nice romps on the empty beach. I had even given very serious thought to moving there at one point, but then I met DH and moved quite a bit further away. :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
FOBTY - Fireworks
What These Fireworks Say About You |
![]() You are the type of person who lives a big, bold, and unique life. You love to stand out and be noticed. And people definitely notice you. You are easily excited, and you're quick to move to action. You like to be in motion doing something. Keeping busy makes you feel good. |
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
FOBTY - My Favorite Birthday
My favorite birthday I've had so far had to be my birthday in 2001. I had only moved to Holland to be with Draghkar 2 1/2 months prior to my birthday and and we were still living in his parents little igloo shaped vacation house while we looked for a house to buy. He made my day very special, just by being who he is and remembering it even though we'd truly only known each other about 6 months, 3 1/2 of which were only by internet and telephone.
it was on this birthday that he presented me with 2 wonderful kitties from the asiel (shelter), Anubis and Bastet. Bastet would go on to give me my greatest gift 1 1/2 years later, a precious, unexpected gift of life who we named Whisper. For that I will always be grateful to both my wonderful husband and my beautiful little smokey grey cat, Bastet.
it was on this birthday that he presented me with 2 wonderful kitties from the asiel (shelter), Anubis and Bastet. Bastet would go on to give me my greatest gift 1 1/2 years later, a precious, unexpected gift of life who we named Whisper. For that I will always be grateful to both my wonderful husband and my beautiful little smokey grey cat, Bastet.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Me and my Fridge
Well some of it is pretty accurate but some things really aren't...but hey, it's just a silly, online quiz, right?
What Your Fridge Says About You |
![]() You tend to be a fairly thrifty person. You splurge occasionally, but you're mostly a saver. You are a very adventurous person. You love to try new things, and you get bored very easily. You try to be responsible, but you don't always succeed. Your heart is in the right place though. You are likely married - possibly with kids. |
Summer Fun-FOBTY 6/12
About a year and half ago Draghkar and I started GeoCaching. While we do this year round, it is especially fun in the summer. There are many GeoCaching events around the country, with lots of people participating, good food, lots of new caches online and lots of scrambling around to get that FTF (First to Find). One of the biggest event is coming up this Saturday. MZLE starts at 10 am and ends somewhere in the wee hours of the morning. This year there is a night cache, a canoe cache, a car cache as well as all the usual traditinal and multicaches. It's going to be loads of fun!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
FOBTY 5/30
I've recently become quite a regular at Sweet Shoppe Designs and I've been doing lots of the challenges of there. One of the challenges they have is the FOBTY - From Our Blog to Yours. Fridays theme was where you would go for your dream vacation.
I'd have to choose New Zealand for a couple of different reasons. First, one of my best friends lives in Auckland and I would love to get to meet her in person and scrap and play and just do all sorts of stuff with her, not to mention meeting those two precious girls of hers. Secondly, the country is just absolutely beautiful and I would love to go and see some the gorgeous natural beauty of the country and also get to know a little bit about the Maori peoples first hand.
Oh well, a girl can dream and perhaps someday we'll be able to do it. :)
I'd have to choose New Zealand for a couple of different reasons. First, one of my best friends lives in Auckland and I would love to get to meet her in person and scrap and play and just do all sorts of stuff with her, not to mention meeting those two precious girls of hers. Secondly, the country is just absolutely beautiful and I would love to go and see some the gorgeous natural beauty of the country and also get to know a little bit about the Maori peoples first hand.
Oh well, a girl can dream and perhaps someday we'll be able to do it. :)
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